Crate rainbeam

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🌈 Rainbeam!

🐈‍⬛ Rainbeam

Rainbeam is a simple Q&A social network designed for community! On Rainbeam, users can create and customize their profile to look how they want, and then other users can ask them questions using their account or an anonymous username. Users receive questions in their inbox and can then answer them or manage them. Users can also ask “global questions” which everybody who is following them can see in a specialized timeline. Global questions can be answered by any logged-in user. Users can also respond to existing responses with comments to further interact with their friends’ responses!

§Repository structure

All core packages are contained in the crates/ directory:

  • crates/builder/ - Client asset builder/bundler
  • crates/shared/ - Core shared utilities
  • crates/langbeam/ - l10n service
  • crates/databeam/ - Database connection manager
  • crates/authbeam/ - Authentication backend and API routes
  • crates/citrus/ - Citrus federation protocol client
  • (v) crates/rainbeam-core/ - Rainbeam database connection and types
    • crates/rb/ - Rainbeam Axum routes (API and all pages)
    • crates/rainbeam/ - Rainbeam server binary

Packages labeled with (v) are version-tied. This means that it and all the packages nested under it in the list share the same crate version.


To start, clone the Rainbeam repository and build it:

git clone
cd rainbeam

The Rainbeam server is built for Linux systems. Development is possible on Windows, but it is recommended that production servers be run on Linux amd64/aarch64 systems.

You’ll need just for many steps of our build process. You’ll also need cargo with rustc version 1.83 minimum. Any recent Node.js version will also be needed.

To start, you’ll need to build the website:

cd crates/web && bun i && cd ../../
just web-build

After the website has been built, you can build the backend binary:

just build sqlite

Instead of “sqlite”, you can also use “mysql“ or “postgres” for MySQL/MariaDB and PostgreSQL respectively!

Then, you must build the main binary which run the website and API backend:

just build-bundle

To configure Rainbeam, create a config.toml file in ./.config and ./.config/databeam. You can copy the example files and edit them to your needs.

cp ./.config/config.example.toml ./.config/config.toml
cp ./.config/databeam/config.example.toml ./.config/databeam/config.toml

All configuration files for ./.config/config.toml (the main configuration file) are available here. You can find the databeam (database connection) configuration file options here.

Once everything has been built and configured, you can start the server with just run.


You can configure Rainbeam in the configuration file located at ./.config/config.toml. This file will be created for you when the server is first run.

§Tier features

You can lock a given set of features behind the tier column of profiles using the tiers configuration key.

double_limits = 2
avatar_crown = 1
profile_badge = 1
# ...

The tiers configuration key contains a map of features where the key is the feature name, and the value is the minimum required tier.

By default, every benefit is at tier 1.


Rainbeam requires hCaptcha to secure logins and registers. You can provide your h-captcha configuration in ./.config/config.toml:

# ...
site_key = "..."
secret = "..."

You can sign up for an hCaptcha account at!


After you have created your first account, you’ll need to manually create a permissions group in the database so that you can mark the account as a Manager. The manager permission allows you to delete accounts, responses, comments, and questions. You can also view profile warnings and reports with this permission. You can view an example SQL query to do this here!

You can add additional moderators with the Helper role. They can also be given Manager, however Helper is much better if you want them to have limited moderation abilities.

§Account registration

To open your instance up for free account registration, you’ll need to set registration_enabled to true in ./.config/config.toml.


You are responsible for adding your own manifest.json file in the static/ directory.

You can place your PWA logo images in static/images/logo/. This directory is ignored by git.


You can view information about contributing to Rainbeam here, as well as the contributor code of conduct here!

You can view security information here.


Rainbeam is a faithful recreation of the amazing Q&A site Retrospring. Rainbeam uses many Retrospring’s core concepts, ideas, and designs, however it is built from the ground up and uses none of Retrospring’s original code or assets.



  • Main server process